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Wirtschaftswetter International

Release the Israeli hostages.

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Wirtschaftswetter International

thank you for visiting Wirtschaftswetter. Wirtschaftswetter-International, our English-language section, offers you themes, information, tips and services. The next edition of Wirtschaftswetter goes online in April 2025. If there is anything you would especially like to see in the magazine or if you would like to leave us a message with your suggestions, interests, wishes or questions, we will be glad to receive your e-mail:

Quote: "It is clearly necessary to invent organizational structures appropriate to the present multicultural age. But such efforts are doomed to failure if they do not grow out of something deeper, out of generally held values."

by Vaclav Havel

External Links:
The Final Report by the "Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol": Final Report - January 6th

Policy Brief - Eurofound on living conditions and quality of life, latest: Intergenerational inaqualities - How to close the gaps?

The one and only - The New York Review of Books

Aurora Borealis 2

Theme Word of the Year 2024. Collins Dictionary has chosen the word of the year 2024. Predictably, but nonetheless surprisingly, it has become "brat", the description of a woman who cannot be pigeonholed, has a mind of her own and therefore does not serve any kind of male partner ideal, which explicitly turns women into second-class people. "Brat" became known worldwide with the album of the same name by Charli xcx , which kicked off the “Brat summer”. Furthermore, Brats are present in all income brackets, wealth is not a prerequisite for being able to think independently, which is also a very nice, democratic statement. Nevertheless, it is worth reading through the explanations of all the nominated proposals. One of the most important ones is probably "brainrot". The publisher explains it like this, quote: an inability to think clearly caused bei excessive consumption of low-quality online content". Further suggestions and information, external website, continue reading: The Collins Word of the Year 2024 Is ... brat

Theme. Research: Airbnb and Rising Rates of Crime in London - A Kind of Overtourism?. The gains and losses of the so-called share economy are a recurring topic of research. A new study - "The promise and perils of the sharing economy: The impact of Airbnb lettings on crime conducted" - by Cambridge researchers concludes that the transformation of neighborhoods into hotel landscapes of short-term rented apartments leads to rising crime rates in London such as burglaries and street robberies, followed by theft an any violence. In fact, a 10 percent increase in active Airbnb-rentals in the city would correspond to an additional 1000 robberies across London. Quote: “It is not the company or even the property owners who experience the criminogenic side effects of Airbnb, it is the local residents building their lives in the neighbourhood.”. The study has been published in the journal Criminology on October 24, 2024, read the press release, extern site, Airbnb rentals linked to increased crime rates in London neighbourhoods

Theme. Updated Clima Impact Research. An Update on ongoing clima impact research by Cambridge researchers found that all countries - rich or poor, hot or cold - will suffer ecnomically under current emissions trajectory. It showed the US losing 10,5 percent of its GDP, and Canada over 13 percent by the end of this century. This result of the current research is therefore 180 degrees different from the claim that richer countries would be less affected by climate change, which has persisted to this day. The opposite is the case, read on: The price of ecological breakdown

Quote: "If the structure does not permit dialogue the structure must be changed."

by Paulo Freire

+++ News +++ January 21, 2025 US-Government Website on Reproductive Health Information Is Down +++ . The government website, that was launched by the U.S. Departement of Health and Human Services in 2022, has been switched off since Trump's inauguration yesterday as CBS and others reported. CBS has reached out to the Trump administration for clarification, but has not heard back; read on, extern site, Government website offering reproductive health information goes offline.

What to expect. On January 20, 2025, the organization Center for Reproductive Rights has published a statement on what to expect from the second Trump administration, read on, extern site, Center for Reproductive Rights Statement on the Second Inauguration of Donald Trump

+++ January 15, 2025 - Farewell to US-President Biden +++ . Read the farewell speech by US President Joe Biden on January, 15, 2025, Oval Office, White House, Remarks by President Biden in a Farewell Adress to the Nation.
You can find more information and documents about the Biden admnistration (2021-2025) here: The Biden Presidency

+++ October 31, 2024 - NATO Secretary General on UNSCR 1325 +++ . NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte published a video message on the 24th anniversary of UNSCR 1325 on "Women, Peace and Security" on 31. October 2024, quote: "Across the globe, women are at the forefront of responding to crises and conflicts, leading their communities, and shaping pathways to peace"; further information, text to read and video via NATO Secretary General marks the 24th anniversary of UNSCR 1325

++++ May 2024 - Forced Labour - Who Makes the Money? +++ . On Labour Day in 2024, Michaelle De Cock, Anousheh Karvar and Sophy Fisher discuss the highly topical question in the ILO podcast series "The Future of Work", extern site, Who's Making Money from Forced Labour?

+++ November 2023 - Updatte ILO Worldwide - Elimination of Violence against Women +++ , look and listen, ILO Director General Messgage for the elimnination of gender-based violence

+++ November 2022 - Ending Violence Against Women - ILO Chief Calls for Signing Violence and Harassment Convention C190 +++. On the occasion of the World Day for the Elimination of Violence againgst Women and the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the ILO Director-General Houngbo calls all countries for the signing and implementing of Convention C190, that has already been adopted in 2019. "It's time to end violence and harrasment now", he says, more: Ratify C190 - Time to End Violence and Harassment in the World of Work +++

External Link - New York, New York

Quote: "It's possible to understand the world from studying a leaf. You can comprehend the laws of aerodynamics, mathematics, poetry and biology through the complex beauty of such a perfect structure. It's also possible to travel the whole globe and learn nothing."

by Joy Harjo

External Links - Borowitz-Report (Satire) - "Furious Ohio Republicans Report Widespread Incidents of Women Voting", November 8 2023

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